Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter! Today has been a great day. We did the whole Easter Bunny thing this morning, then quickly got ready for the day. Kurt's brother Eric blessed their new baby Mara in their home this morning. What a great way to start the day. And the blessing he gave was beautiful. Our kids were so excited to see their cousins, even if it was a short visit. Then we left to drive back over to our ward.

This was the first Sunday, of many, that we got to sit without Kurt. He has been called to be the 1st counselor in the Bishopric. So, now I'm a single parent again. I need to remember to have patience with my kids. But, I always feel like we're being watched and we are not perfect.

Anyways, I got to teach YW's today. I was asked to teach an Easter lesson. So, I decided to teach about the last 8 days of Christ's life. My good friend Heidi had given this lesson when we were serving in YW's together in SR1. It was such a neat lesson. Hopefully the girls liked it. I felt a little rushed, but it all turned out good.

So, the day is coming to a close and I was sitting and thinking about all the things that have happened and blessed our family since last Easter. I'm so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows each of us. And blesses my family each and every day. And for our Savior Jesus Christ. What a specialy gift he has given each of us. I can't imagine the pain he must have felt that night in the garden and he knelt and prayed for each of us.

In our last stake we had the priveledge to attend a fireside given by Mark Mabry , "Reflections of Christ". It was on display at the Mesa, Arizona Temple's Visitor Center. It is a fireside I will never forget. So I thought it would be fitting to watch some of the pictures he took.

(if you have music linked, you will want to mute it.)

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