Thursday, September 4, 2008

Camping, Rain, and TANERITE!!

We left for a fun much needed cooler weather camping trip to the north. We pulled out of town on Friday morning and headed for Ashfork, AZ. The weather guy said we had chances of rain till Tuesday and I don't like to camp in the rain. Especially when we camp in a tent. But we went anyways and had a beautiful day up on my Brother and Sister n laws property. Then the lightening and thunder came about 2am on Sat. The lightening was so bright it felt like someone was standing over you with a camera flash and making it go off. Kurt and I didn't sleep the rest of the night, and neither did the kids. And, then the rain came. "Oh great! Have we sealed this tent? Umm, I don't think we have. Should we move sleeping bags & luggage away from the sides of the tent? If you really want to." Then we hear "drip, drip, drip". "Mom, I'm getting water on my face. " Whispering to Kurt so the kids don't hear cuz then they would want to go, "Should we make a run for the suburban?" It was a long night, but we only got a couple of drips on us and we were blessed with staying dry in the tent. Thanks heavens!!

Saturday morning was a little wet but so beautiful. We decided to go for a hike while waiting for Kurt's sisters family to come. Then more very dark clouds started to come it. So we headed back for camp. Still no sister, so we left with lunch to go seek a covered patio at my brother-n-law's Uncle and Aunt's property just down the road. We weren't there 5 minutes and the hail came in the size of quarters. It came down for 5 minutes, I wish I hadn't left my camera in the car. The ground was white. Then it rained for a while and hard. The rest of our family finally arrived and we were so excited to see them. It finally felt like a Labor Day weekend camping trip. The rain didn't stop much that night. We couldn't even sit out by the camp fire, even though Kurt kept it going. What a man, he loves a good camp fire! Thanks to our family, we kept dry. They let us sleep in the extra trailer. By then our tent was pretty wet.

Sunday brought a dry morning. We hurried and made breakfast and got the fun going. The quads were out,running and getting covered in mud and the kids were done with those. So the Dad's brought out all the guns. Now some fun was coming. Katie shot Kacee's gun for the first time and did pretty good. It looks like she can just hold it. She loved it.

Then the TANERITE came out. (thank you Brian Sachez & George Foster for introducing Kurt to this wonderful stuff!) Kacee, my niece Kortni, and her friend Kayla started shooting Kurt's big gun. That is the one that blows the tanerite up. And here we go, everyone plug their ears!! That darn gun is so loud. Kayla shot the tanerite and so did Kacee. They did a great job and blew it up. I got Kacee's shot and kaboom on video.

It rained some more Sunday. The gun show was short lived. But we got a beautiful night to have a great camp fire that us girls built. Thank you "Girls camp". We do learn things there. Some might think we go to GC to go on "sonic" runs, laugh at our crazy nicknames, hide the camp directors megaphone, or string rubber chickens up the flagpole late at night (hehehe-SR1!!).
The guys left and went to look for coyotes. They even got some Dove hunting in before we left.
Over all it was a good weekend. Just a little different camping trip up there this time. It was not the norm. But it was good memories. We missed you - Bitter family. We'll plan another trip and go.


Varney Family said...

What super fun!!! Great pics of everyone. Did you ever get your air fixed - knock on wood - we sure miss you guys! I love seeing your posts.

Laci said...

What a fun trip! We STILL need to get there for a camping trip with you guys.....does Knott's count! Haha We can't wait to see you all! Love you guys!

The Romero family said...

It's good to hear from you Christine since you did the unthinkable and moved out of our neighborhood! The fam looks great, glad you had a fun time.

Alishia said...

What a fun trip! We've had some questionable weather in the past and at the time hated it, but it sure makes for fun memories. "Remember the trip when it rained and rained and rained." They'll always remember it.

Dalin loved Katie's picture and Kacee's video, his favorite babysitter, guns, exploxions, what more does he need. He really misses you guys!! I'm so glad your blog is up and going. It's fun to stay in touch. We'd like to come see you soon!!

Deana & Ryan Bitter said...

Let's do it! Sounds like you had a blast! My girls LOVE to shoot guns (okay, so Ry and I do too!)

Precious Wonders and Little Monkeys said...

WHAT A BLAST! It looks so fun and how nice to not be hot! Donnie doesn't camp though, he "campers" or "lodges" haha. What tiny girls and some big ol guns... wow are you right.. barely hold it. I'm glad you got to escape for a short time. also thank you for the sweet comment about Milana. Can't wait until we all get to meet her! Love you Sara

DavidandMariAnn said...

Hey Christine! It's been so long! I saw your comment on Laci's blog and was excited to see yours! So fun to see your cute fam! We have a blog too but we had to set it to private. Send us your e-mail to and we'll send you an invite if you want to view our blog. Glad you and your fam is doing well! Great to see you even though it's over the computer! =)