Monday, August 4, 2008

Fun news

I got an email last night from my "homie - Golden" letting me know that our dear sweet Bishop Jobe had been released. I'm sure the family is so excited to have him be around a little more. But what a sad day for the ward, even though we all new it was coming soon. We were so lucky to have been in that ward twice while he was Bishop. What an incredible man. But the new Bishopric that was called is going to be amazing. We are so excited for those families. Such special blessings are going to come into their lives and homes. I know they did for us while Kurt was serving in the bishopric.

Then, I heard that my incredibly talented friend Deana was called to be the 2nd coun. in the Stake RS. Hopefully I heard that right? She will be so amazing. I was so lucky to get to serve with her in RS. But, I know my friend is cursing my name right now. She (Breanna) the very talented girl was called to be the enrichment leader after me. Now she isn't serving with Deana at the ward level anymore. I'm sure she is wishing we were still living there so she could still be in Primary. Breanna, I know you're going to do an amazing job. And whoever is called to be the new RS 2nd coun will be great and fun to work with.

1 comment:

Eric and Breanna Graham said...

Christine Christine, it's like you're psycic! Thanks for calling yesterday. Your ears must have been burning! Miss you guys a ton!